
We are two WAHM's dedicated to bringing you beautifully handcrafted items, for family, home and life.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Baking and Making

Finally, at home in my own skin, I am enjoying life, baking and making and raising my children.

I've been crocheting like mad lately, and I have all sorts of fun little things to show for it. Dog coats, hats, scarves, Tag-a-longs, etc. It's been a blast!
I've been homeschooling my two + one, and it's amazing to watch children grow and learn and to realize just how much they know and pay attention. Asher, my oldest, is 4. He was in pre-k but I unenrolled him when I started staying home again. He is brilliant. I got him some kindergarten books, because I noticed he was completing all of the pre-k sheets in seconds, and really has mastered those skills. So, I saved the pre-k sheets to use with his little brother, and got him some kindergarten books. Same problem, he knows all the work already. Crazy kiddo, guess we'll look into some first grade stuff.

Tonight's project: Chocolate cream pie, with meringue topping. Yummy. and pure joy to make. I love watching various ingredients, when combined, turn into a masterpiece. I love feeling like a rockstar in the kitchen. So what that there is dirty laundry...and dishes...and the floor needs vacuumed. So what that I could stand to wipe down the counters and table. Oh well, that stuff has to be done all the time. But getting the chance to take the time to create a kitchen masterpiece, ah, it's heavenly. My meringue is in the oven, browning, and I'm blogging about it. I guess this part makes me feel kind of like a dork, but when I slid that pie into the oven, I felt amazing.

So, me and my dorkiness is off to enjoy a slice of homemade goodness.

Goodnight! :)

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